Finally got to meet the Bo District Medical Team in person. The District Health Sister Hawah Daramy was leading the meeting. We were able to update them on our initial plans to install 12 solar panels at the Gbaiima clinic so that they can have light 24/7 and provide safer healthcare to laboring women at night. We also discussed helping them to finish the birth waiting home, which would provide more space for deliveries and an area for the mothers to be monitored postpartum for 1-3 days to ensure that if they have any complications such as postpartum hemorrhage or infection, it can be managed.

The meeting went very well and was well-received by the whole team. They thanked my mom, who’s back in the US, stating that it’s because of her that we have such a strong desire to return to Sierra Leone and that she encouraged her kids to have charitable hearts. It’s true.



