OB Ultrasound - Day 1
Wow, so day one of Tenki’s limited OB ultrasound training is done!
After a flight delay, missed connection and car breaking down, the team finally made it lol . But today was really exciting because the midwives and community health officers (CHOs) were so excited and motivated to learn.
After going through the basics of using an ultrasound machine (which none of them have ever used or seen before), we broke up into groups and practiced on each other for familiarization, then we talked about fetal presentation and were able to practice on volunteers. The Bo District Health Sister was very supportive and helped us get the classroom, beds and volunteers!
Tomorrow we’ll learn about determining the placenta location and amniotic fluid assessment. This is really a great class and awesome team!
Oh! On top of that we were able to go to one of the other clinics and see their maternal waiting home, so that we can take notes on how to build a similar facility in Gbaiima. This will allow pregnant women to stay closer to the facility when they are close to term, so that they won’t have to walk 1-2hrs from home (or more likely to stay there and deliver) or try to find transport when they are in labor to receive care and deliver.
Tenki so much for everyone’s support to make our endeavors, and specifically this course, possible.